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Magazine Design

This is my in-depth design process for my first magazine design project using Adobe Indesign! 

Testing Out Cover Ideas ...


Create a magazine spread in Adobe Indesign consisting of 3-5pages. We needed to write a story that our magazine will be centred around along with the graphics/layout/creative choices. 

Creative Choices

Because my magazine's main focus is surrounding my insecurities with my body image, I wanted to use my pictures to convey how far I've progressed. I used pictures of myself to show how comfortable I am with my look now compared to before.

My Story

I wrote about a very important topic that I struggled with for a while, "Body image". I talked about my insecurities, how I dealt with it, how I learned, and where I am today. 

Creating My Spreads...

Once I had the photos, text, and ideas in mind. It was time to experiment with layouts. The pictures above are the final spreads I had come up with for my magazine. One regret of mine is not saving my other spread ideas to compare with my final product. Nonetheless, I'll now remember to save all ideas even if they weren't the final product.
I truly am proud of my first magazine design and I'm looking forward to more opportunities to design and create magazine layouts! 


*Please click to view full photos*

© 2023 by Megan Jen
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